“The Corporate Queen”

You are a Lady of Leadership.

Women who have mastered The Corporate Queen Archetype excel at harmonizing their work and personal lives. They embrace their God-given drive to thrive in corporate environments while nurturing a fulfilling personal life filled with purpose and passion.


They didn't have to sacrifice their femininity in order to succeed.

Embracing ambition and drive does not make one masculine; it is the suppression of passion and purpose for a paycheck that goes against femininity. And cultivating your ability to transform work into play and prioritize your own well-being will allow you level up in EVERY area of your life.

The Princess or Boss Babe State

The Corporate Queen Archetype is who you have the potential to evolve into once you step into your Queen State. Here are some signs that you may still be in your Princess State or in Boss Babe Programming.

  • Suppressing your emotions without a healthy outlet to process them

  • Feeling trapped & unfulfilled in your current position

  • Rejecting your gift of ambition or only using it for a paycheck

  • Not as deeply connected to your spirituality or your inner-world

  • Feeling as if you’re in an endless cycle that lacks purpose & passion

Corporate Queen Examples

Ready to level up into your Queen State?



The Corporate Queen eBook



The Corporate Queen Masterclass, eBook & The Queen Path Course