If you are suffering from Princess Programming, you most likely are experiencing at least one of these symptoms:
The feeling of constantly being “stuck”
Confusion about your calling or purpose
Analysis paralysis & indecisiveness
Social Media addiction or doom-scrolling
Getting super motivated to do something & then quitting
Negative thinking cycles & emotional highs/lows.
Unable to fully commit yourself to being the woman you KNOW God is calling you to be.
represents the most mentally elevated, emotionally centered, and spiritually mature version of yourself.
She is the woman who:
Is wildly in love with her life
Lives authentically and in alignment with God’s Will
Has a refined mindset and heightened emotional intelligence
Knows how to rule her emotions and impulses
Prospers from her purpose
Radiates confidence in her calling
This is the woman I guide you to become in The Queen Path Course Bundle.
Queen Path Background +Program Walkthrough
Fast forward to 3:56 for the program walk-through.
Even a successful queen will tell you that the secret to reaching your next level lies in your decisions.
But if your soul is wounded, your decisions will come from a low mindset and a neglected heart.
The reason why most women who are stuck in their princess state are indecisive is that they refuse to heal their souls.
And as long as your soul is unhealed, you won’t have the required mindset & emotional intelligence for your next level.
It’s time to step into your Queen State.
the queen path
The Course Journey:
Module 1:
We begin the program entering into the realm of self-discovery. In this module, you’ll learn about how to get clarity on your purpose, tap into the highest spiritual law, and learn how to align yourself with God’s will for your life.
Module 2:
It’s time we upgrade your mindset. In this module, you’ll learn the best transformational methods to upgrade your thinking, clear limiting beliefs, and elevate your decision making skills.
Module 3:
After reprogramming your mind, we move to your heart. In this module, you’ll learn ancient techniques that will help you heal your emotional response system & clear the trauma that can be blocking wise decisions.
Module 4:
In our final module, you will receive both the spiritual and practical tools to stay committed to your divine calling, glow up, and transformation.
You will also learn to get all 4 of the Queen Archetype masterclasses.
Hi, love.
My name is Sola & I don’t believe in coincidences.
If you're reading this, I believe that you have been divinely guided to my work because you are being called to step into your calling.
I’m the Founder of The Queen Path and a Brand Strategist who’s devoted the past 7 years to helping thousands of women reach their highest potential without sacrificing their faith or feminine flow.
If you feel ready to embody the Queen that God has called you to be, this course bundle will help you with the foundation of that transformation.
The Queen Path Course BUNDLE Contains:
A 4-Module Transformational Training Course
Each level contains a 30-45 minute presentation-style teaching + additional bonus videos & content in each level
All 4 Queen Archteype Masterclasses
The 4 Queen Archetype eBooks
Which includes written material, alignment assignments, and a 21-day Devotional to master your specific Queen Archetype
Access to bonus “Kingdom Classes” to better understand The Kingdom of God & how it operates.
In "The Queen Path Course," we delve deep into the realms of mindset mastery, empowering you to shatter limitations, conquer self-doubt, and radiate unyielding confidence. Get ready to also get clear on your unique queen archetype & step into your purpose.