The queen of streams


are you ready to align with the path of purpose, play and prosperity?

If you took our quiz and got the Queen of Streams Archetype as your result, you have the highest earning potential because of these 2 things that comes naturally to you — imagination and creativity.

And you don’t need to follow the masculine formulas of the world or live in hustle mode in order to enter into your Queen of Streams State. You simply need to learn how to embody the woman God has created you to be.

In your Queen State:

  • Creating economies from ideas and visions

  • An Influential Visionary

  • You have money flowing abundantly from so many different places

  • Incredibly supported by a team of masters

  • Emotionally Intelligent with a calm mind

In your Princess State:

  • Living a luxurious life in survival mode

  • Disorganized business structure & unclear vision from too much going with the flow.

  • A habit of starting things but not finishing them

  • Lack of support/team that will assist you in staying in Flow State.

  • Extreme highs & lows (mentally, emotionally, & financially)

Hi Queen! I’m Sola

What you’ll learn in this masterclass:

  • How to level up from the “princess state” of this archetype & shift into your Queen State.

  • How to begin getting clarity on your divine purpose & begin receiving more abundance from God.

  • How to begin to turning your multi-passionate nature into multiple streams of income that all flow together.

  • How to release the doubt & subconscious beliefs that are blocking your next level of wealth & influence.

Enrollment is Open

Enrollment is Open

The Queen of Streams Masterclass Bundle
One time

✓ Includes The Queen Path Course ($397 Value)
✓ The Queen of Streams eBook & Workbook
✓ Bonus eBook & Audiobook on Faith-Based Wealth Creation
✓ Bonus Content & Assignments

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • The class is broken up into 6 lessons that range between 13 - 30 minutes each.

  • Take our quiz HERE.

  • We would not recommend this class since it’s specific to the personality type of a Queen of Streams.

    However, we would recommend The Majesty Method to learn the feminine art of wealth creation for entrepreneurs.

  • In February & March 2024. Our next Archetype Masterclass will be for The People’s Queens.

    Follow @TheQueenPath on IG to stay updated 🤍.