“The Queen of Sanctuaries”

You are an Artistic Nurturer.

The Queen of Sanctuaries archetype represents a woman who has achieved spiritual maturity, mental elevation, and emotional grounding.

When you’re fully embodied in your Queen State, you will have a rich lifestyle marked by deep relationships, financial stability, and wellness.

The Princess State

The Queen of Sanctuaries Archetype is who you have the potential to evolve into once you step into your Queen State. Here are some signs that you may still be in your Princess State.

  • Daydreaming without much devotion or discipline

  • Unclear about your sense of direction

  • Getting stuck in self-sabotaging loops

  • Trapped in your comfort zone

  • Increased self-isolation due to your inability to master your spiritual sensitivity.

  • Normalized a comfortable version of survival mode

Queen of Sanctuaries Examples

Ready to level up into your Queen State?

The Queen of Sanctuaries Bundle

Cyber Monday Sale end December 3rd.